Flash Fiction Friday 10-14-11: "Worth a Thousand Fantasies"

(Source image: "Framed" by Marcus J Ranum ) The instructor adjusted the frame, then stepped back, satisfied. There, he said. Thirty minutes. Lyla settled back on her heels. Now that the time was actually here, she searched for a hint of her earlier panic, but it was nowhere to be found. Serene as a Hindu cow, she sat there, an object before their gazes. The pose she'd chosen allowed her to glance around without disturbing her arrangement. She saw marked admiration in every glance, and caught some of that excitement herself. Her breasts drew tight and her nipples stood tall. Between her thighs, the insistent pulse mounted high. I love art class, she thought. (Click for details on FFF!) Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 80-112 words . Additionally, I asked that you include the emotion of "calm" somewhere in the piece. Nobody's checking word counts, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. U...