Sometimes my brain slips away from meits cool, though. Shes a Good Girl, and she always comes back. When I first got down to Austin, there was a snafu with my agency. They thought I was in Boston, so I was showing up to hotels that didnt have the right person in them. *And yes, the dumbass who confused the words Boston and Austin has since been fired. So I needed to make some money. I was on Career Builder looking for legitimate employment, when I came across a job posting; The guy owned a promotional company, out of LA, and was looking for an assistant. It appeared he posted all over the country, as it was a pretty ambiguous post. He made no distinctions on gender or age or anything, so everything seemed legit. Besides, it was career builder, not craigslist. I sent along my resume, it was probably 11pm, Texas time. I got a return e-mail almost immediately. That caught me off guard a little, but then I thought, well, its only 9pm in California, and Los Angeles isnt exactly a 9-5 city....