Kim Kardashian Newly Released Nude Pictures From Playboy
“I’m sorry I did Playboy. I was uncomfortable,” she remembers, though at the time she was excited. “Go for it,” she recalls her mother saying. “They might never ask you again. Our show isn’t on the air yet. No one knows who you are. Do it and you’ll have these beautiful pictures to look at when you’re my age.”
Wow, the mother is a whore too... forcing her daughters to do uncomfortable things like posing nude for money. Unfortunately not uncomfortable enough to not accept the check after the photoshoot, and then not to do more photoshoots in the nude. So you can guess how the attention whore feels about the release of never been made public naked pics:
"Kim was really upset that the new photos were released. She freaked out that they were out there, she didn’t think that they were going to be seen again."
Yeah, it does not make any sense what so ever. It only make logical sense if you understand the twisted mind of an attention whore and the games they play. In a tweet on Twitter Kim said:
"I got naked for Haper's BAZAAR! So Empowering!"
The only reasons that she is famous are because her father got a murderer off and she got another guy off by letting him face fuck her and cum in her mouth on video only after he fucked her up the vag and especially the asshole. Now she is pretending she has an intact hymen and all of a sudden above it now. Don't be fooled by the slut... Kim loves the attention. Simply put, she absolutely need the attention. Despite the public complaining Kim is undoubtedly getting paid for the new picture release, if she hasn't already been paid for this release in the 2007 contract. Kim claiming to be upset is just a way to help promote the pictures on further, and helps get some attention whore publicity for herself while at it. Just like getting paid millions to complain about the release of an intimate "leaked" sex tape while signing a release for the tape's distribution. Click on pictures to enlarge.

And here is the nude "empowering" pic from Harper's Bazaar:
