"Ugly Betty" Actor Michael L. Brea Murdered Mother Yannick Brea By Beheading With Sword

An actress who had a part in Ugly Betty repeatedly stabbed as well as killed his mom with a Freemason rite long knife after a bizarre eremite malediction this morning, cops said.
I listened a shriek as well as a woman yelling help me, Vernal Bent said. We called 911 as well as you kept conference screams as well as afterwards you didnt listen to them any more. Michael was chanting Biblical phrases as well as kept calling for Moses, Jerusalem as well as a architect of a universe.
Police outlayed scarcely 45 minutes trying to get in to a apartment, Bent said. They left as well as returned with an emerg! ency tea m, which pennyless in to a home as well as found Yannick Brea fatally stabbed in a bedroom, sources said.
And by "stabbed" they actuality meant chopped off her head. Yeah. TMZ says:
An actress who appeared upon "Ugly Betty" was taken in to custody in Brooklyn this sunrise for allegedly killing his mom with a samurai long knife whilst screaming biblical passages.
According to a police, a think -- Michael L. Brea -- sliced his mother's conduct off during a attack. When cops arrived to a stage around 2:20 AM, officers had to make use of a taser to overpower a actor. Brea was taken to a circuitously hospital with a military escort.
Police explain a stage was "extremely bloody." A neighbor told WPIX 11, "I listen to a brother chasing her [his mother] by a residence as well as he's just observant a bunch of [Bible] passages like, 'Repent, Repent, Repent.'" The neighbor continued, "I listened him chasing her by a residence as well as we listen to a loud scream as well as so we have my father call a cops, call 911." Brea has not been rigourously arrested or charged yet.
Wow. Crazy rght? Michael L. Brea patently h serious problems. His mom must have found his porn stash. Or he forgot to take his meds yesterday. we don't know though this is so sick. My thoughts as well as prayers go out to a family. Charges have been tentative against Brea, who had a small part in "Step Up 3D." Anyway, some reports contend it was a Freemason rite long knife whilst others contend it was a samurai sword. Which sort of long knife which was used to decapitating a woman is not important though how a hell can people confuse a two?

Courtney Michelle Love (born Courtney Michelle Harrison; Jul 9, 1964 in San Francisco, California, U.S.) is an American rock musician as well as occasional actress. Love is essentially well known as lead singer, guitarist as well as lyricist for pick rock band Hole, as well as for her publicity-ridden matrimony to a late Nirvana front male Kurt Cobain.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael L Brea was innate in New York City. His relatives Marcel as well as Yanick Brea, who was innate as well as raised in Haiti decided to raise their young kids in America.